Cheers and Big Ups to you 2013!

Big Ups to you!My datebook flipped to 2013 nearly six hours ago.  And for some reason, my eyelids are wide open instead of tightly shut and twitchy with the kind of deliciously long and lazy r.e.m. slumber that New Year’s Day traditionally holds.  Maybe my eyes sensed a chance to stare out my window at the uncharacteristically clear Seattle sky winking with shiny stars and beckoning a New Year bursting with promise.

The transition to a fresh New Year is the clean page, the new beginning we all cherish in some way.  We plan to right ships, rewrite endings, stop for ducks crossing the road without tapping the wheel impatiently and to do all those healthy, educational and culturally enriching things we meant to do last year.  As I lay still in my bed early this morning, pondering the bright moonlight, I thought about last year, the old year…the past.  I thought about the beautiful lives the world lost in 2012 and the rough lessons we learned from Mother Nature.  I have been thinking about the things I have done, the things I have not done and of course, the things I had nothing to do with!

And I thought a lot about you.  Yes, you.

Sending a cheerful coffee mug toast and CHEERS! to you, my smart, funny, charming, kind and passionate Facebook, Twitter, Blog, email and stubbornly and adorably old school in real life friends and family.  Your passion, perspective, photos and personal purpose are a gift to me.  I love that we met in the most usual and unusual of ways.  Maybe we met through kids, work, school or shared causes.  Or maybe we shared a bond at 10,000 feet (not that kind!), or in line at the grocery store or gravel pit.  It’s possible we high fived over Tetris, or lamented the buffet together sequestered at a nameless hotel for unspeakable reasons, or perhaps we became friends after a slight Twitter misunderstanding.  However it happened, I thank you.

Thank you for sharing your goals and hopes, triumphs, woes, inspiration and meals.  Whether you’ve shared valuable tips about false eyelashes (must try soon), a much needed giggle, a quote, your very passionate political position, or information about a sad reunion, you have made a difference to me and others this past year as you will again in 2013.

Thank you for inspiring me to smile, act and even for making me pound the table with frustration, because the storm before the calm helps me see clearly.  Thank you for helping me realize and celebrate the differences that make us individuals, while recognizing that our different ways of contributing to our world brings us together as people; everyday people.  Equals facing life as it comes ever faster, ever unstoppable and I hope for all us, despite its challenges, ever magical

Big ups to you my friends and to this brand New Year ripe with possibility, dreams to fulfill, laughter and let’s all agree, amnesty and forgiveness for all of us who neglected to get those holidays cards in the mail…again.

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