It’s Okay To Look?

“It’s okay to look?” Really?

So I keep hearing these commercials for a certain online dating service. Yes, it’s true. I watch channels that target the young, single, birth control purchasing, itchy vagina, herpes demographic. I can’t help it. I am mesmerized by “The Real Housewives” (east coast only, please), and pretty much anything else that Bravo or E! tells me to watch. However, it really bugs me when the online internet dating service meant for SINGLE PEOPLE, tries to convince me and other perfectly unavailable viewers that “it’s okay to look.” No it’s not.

Or is it?

I met my “match” way back in eleventh grade. I knew I would marry my future attorney the day he vigorously defended my right to wear comically applied frosty pink and blue eye shadow. Until now I never questioned my decision even though it took him another two years to accept his (our) fate.

We’ve been busy over the past 21 years; done some stuff, made some people. I am a happy housewife! Right? But what if I was wrong?

What if there is someone out there who likes pink and blue eye shadow and dirty kitchens? What if an even better soulmate walks the streets in a lonely haze by day, quietly weeping himself to sleep at night because I have failed to complete the online personality and compatability quiz that would surely bring us together?

What if my refusal to sneak a peek is ruining someone’s life?

If my attorney really is my best “match” then our marriage would surely survive a tiny experiment that will renew and refresh our endless love. We could join the millions of members looking for love online. We would answer the compatibility questions, in separate rooms of course, with uncensored honesty and unbridled enthusiasm. While we wait for the results we’ll forgive each other our foibles and flaws imagining a future free of squabbles and spats because we’ll know “for sure” that we are indeed the right match for each other. We’ll laugh at our crazy antics while we share our favorite Thai food imagining the cool story we’ll be able to tell. After all what’s the worst that could happen?

“Yes Oprah, we were stunned when the results said we were perfectly matched…it’s a miracle, we found each other twice! Sure it took me a while to accept his conversion to Polygamy,but he has so much love to share. I am thrilled to know that he has multiple soulmates to fill his every need. It would be selfish to keep him to myself.”

Hmmnn…maybe it’s NOT okay to look…or even browse.

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