Happy Pierce Day…not!

Sistafoo fashions a piercing.

Today @Sistafoo turns 9.  While she is willing to accept the gifts and hoopla surrounding this occasion, to her it is really just another milestone on the road to getting her ears pierced at age 10.

Yesterday, she suggested that “a good idea for a birthday present would be a collection of pierced earrings.”  When I asked why, she said she wanted to start building up her collection now so she will have a lot to choose from when the day comes.  I advised her that maybe her resources would be better allocated elsewhere, like for things she could use immediately because her tastes might change and besides she will have to wear the same pair for quite some time after the piercing.  She pondered for a moment and said “I was just hoping to get a variety of earrings now so I can build my collection.  And I am not really worried about my style changing. I don’t think it will be a problem unless I decide to go Goth.”

Ordinarily this might worry me.  But going Goth is in direct conflict with the rest of her already mapped out and highly specific life plan that includes a laptop, college, vet school, a pretty husband, a cottage with a big garden and cats…lots of cats.

Incidentally, she is highly allergic to cats.

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